In a suburban backyard, green-garlanded dark
and creekshine—in the case of Light vs. Dark,
the verdict is this summer night. Unexpectedly,
and creekshine—in the case of Light vs. Dark,
the verdict is this summer night. Unexpectedly,
light-pleated wings shawl a bird out of place here.
A black crowned night heron stands in the runoff.
Uphill in the backyard, I’m feeding a fat raccoon.
I’m out tonight and so a witness to the tourist bird,
its stocky body unheron-like. I had never seen one.
Beautiful and present then just a shadow and gone.
I went to pocket for an iPhone and came up empty-
handed. Sure, maybe I said, Shit. But the point is,
a raccoon got a bellyful of Whole Foods salmon.
I got that sudden, resonant whirring of wings.
I got this world summoning the next and next.